The 108 Names of Srimati Radharani

Radha Krishna

Sri Radhika Stotra 108 Names of Srimati Radharani
by Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami

aviksatmesvari kascid vrndavana-mahesvarim
tat padamboja-matraika gati dasyati katara
patita tat-saras tire ruda tyartha-ravakulam
tac chri-vaktreksanavaptyai namanyetani sanjagau

Some maidservant, unable to find her Mistress, has fallen on the bank of Radhakunda, crying in great anxiety, being very eager to take exclusive shelter of Her Lotus Feet, glorifying Her by singing the following names of Her Mistress:



Krishna and the Gopis

This morning I woke up in maya. I had bodily aches and pains and decided to just skip rising early and to go back to sleep. When I awoke for the second time, my mind was disturbed by bad dreams and feelings of dread. I should have gotten up early as was my duty, but now I am running late, I am not very Krishna Conscious, and in spite of the extra sleep my body still aches. So what to do???

Just try to fix my mind on Sri Sri Radha and Krishna…

Vrndavan is a transcendental beautiful place.  It is the spiritual sky, where everything is made of touchstone, which fulfills all desires. All the temples there are bedcked with costly jewels,  In that far distant place is the River Yamuna, which is full of lotus flowers,  In the midst of that throng of lotus flowers there is a golden boat, appearing like another big lotus flower, with eight petals, who are none but the eight chief gopis who always surround Radha and Krishna,  In the surrounding petals there is a golden throne where the two transcendental lovers, namely Radha and Krishna are seated, but of all of them the governing Deity is Srimati Radharani.  There is no comparison to Radharani’s beauty and the luster of Her transcendental body.  The so-called beauty of the moon has fallen on the ground in the presence of Radharani’s beauty.  In that assembly of Radha-Krishna and their principal associates there is a flood of laughing and joking as they address one another.  Narottama das says that the eternal pastimes of Radha-Krishna from day to day are full of transcendental pleasure,  Let us all remember them now and then and thus become happy even in this material world. (Songs of the Vaisnava Acaryas 1974 Edition)

There that’s better.

Full song with transliteration and English equivalents More

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