Memorial to be Built for Jayananda Prabhu in Mayapur

Memorial to be Built for Jayananda Prabhu in Mayapur
By Madhava Smullen for ISKCON News on 9 Apr 2011

ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission has accepted a proposal from Vishoka Dasa of New Vrindaban, West Virginia, and Krishna-Mangala Dasa of Russia that they establish a memorial for Jayananda Prabhu—considered a modern-day saint by members of ISKCON—although he passed away as far back as 1977.

“The GBC Body hereby thanks Vishoka Das and Krishna Mangala Das for their kind endeavors in this regard and offers its blessing for the successful completion of the project,” stated Resolution 303 in the official GBC minutes of this year’s meetings in Mayapur, India.

Jayananda’s Memorial, or Samadhi, will be located at the ISKCON Jagannath temple in Rajapur, near Mayapur. “As Jayananda prabhu’s service to Lord Jagannatha is universally recognized, the GBC felt that it would both be an extra honor and most appropriate for his Samadhi memorial to be located at the Jagannatha Mandir,” read the GBC report.

Jayananda’s Samadhi will be around seven feet tall, and constructed from marble. Early renderings of the design, by a professional devotee designer, show it to be a smaller version of the samadhis of Vaishnava Acharyas such as Rupa and Sanatan Goswamis, with a curved roof and latticed windows.

The Mayapur Samadhi Committee will work with Vishoka and Krishna-Mangala on the project, which funds are still being raised for.

“Jayananda is a great inspiration to ISKCON—devotees still read books about him and log onto websites about him, to get an example of how to be better devotees and servants of Srila Prabhupada,” says Vishoka Dasa, whose book, The Beautiful Life of Jayananda Thakur: Remembering an American Saint was published in 2001.


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